For those of you that don’t know, I do a podcast with Max Maker, where we discuss the intersection of art, engineering, and everything in-between. Personally, I’ve always felt that engineering is an art form in itself. While engineered designs should be based on logic and functionality, you can often see a creative mind at work if you know what you’re looking for!
Our latest episode is with Pat Regan, AKA Pat’s Head. He claims to “act like he’s retired,” pursuing interests like quadcopters, electronics, and now even an electric unicycle. We discuss how our lives have changed since the Covid-19 lockdown, and, at least for us—as self employed and pseudo-retirees— things are actually pretty much the same as usual.

Pat’s always entertaining, and is actually the first to agree to come on the show a second time. You can browse the rest of our catalog here on Soundcloud, and we’re on Patreon if you feel like supporting in that way. As you’ll hear on the episode, Pat decided to join up there, and demanded recognition as a “top 5” contributor.