Auto Bicycle Wheel Light PCB

About a year ago I made a light for my bicycle. While it worked OK, I wanted something that would light up automatically. In the video below, I go over the build process, including two revisions, using:

  1. Through hole components, and a vibration sensor to reset an ATtiny85 and
  2. Mostly surface mount components, with the vibration sensor used to actually turn power on the the ATtiny85

One might wonder why I didn’t just forgo the ATtiny85 altogether for power savings. Perhaps I’ll try that in the future.

More info on the build is found on Hackster, and PCB files are on GitHub. PCBs were provided by NextPCB, who sponsored the video. That being said I’ve been quite pleased with their quality, and have used them for something else I’m working on as well.

Also, FWIW, I’m quite happy with how the thumbnail image for this project turned out. Hope you enjoy too!